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Club Trophies and awards
Trophies and awards are given out to First claim club members riding for NHRC under CTT rules
Riders must be 1st Claim club member for NHRC or if a member of the CTT then your 1st Claim club must be NHRC
27. The Gipson Challenge Cup shall be awarded to the fastest member over 10 miles in a
specified club event, to be known as the Club Championship 10-Mile Time Trial. Awards
for all catorgies.
28. The Gifford Challenge Cup shall be awarded to the fastest member over 25 miles in a
specified club event, to be known as the Club Championship 25-Mile Time Trial. Awards
shall be presented to the fastest lady and fastest junior in this championship.
29. The Victory Challenge Cup shall be awarded to the fastest member over 50 miles in a
specified club event, to be known as the Club Championship 50-Mile Time Trial. Awards
shall be presented to the fastest lady and fastest juvenile in this championship.
30. The Century Cup shall be awarded to the member riding the fastest 100-Mile Time Trial in
an event nominated by the committee.
31. The Dave Swan Memorial Trophy shall be awarded each season for the fastest solo
performance in a 12 hour Time Trial.
32. The Charles Rice Cup shall be awarded to the member returning the fastest average
speed over 25, 50 and 100 mile Time Trials.
33. The Veterans Cup shall be awarded to the fastest veteran rider on age standard over 10,
25 and 50 miles Time Trials.
34. The Ladies Best All Rounder Championship shall be awarded to the lady returning the
fastest average speed over 10, 25 and 50 mile Time Trials.
35. The Loveridge Bowl (Junior Championship) shall be awarded to the member returning
fastest average speed over 10 and 25 mile Time Trials.
36. The Leo Gipson Cup shall be awarded to the winner on handicap of a club 10 mile Time
Trial as nominated by the committee.
37. The Frith Cup shall be awarded to the winner on handicap of a club 25 mile Time Trial as
nominated by the committee.
38. The Emberton Cup shall be awarded for the best improvement in club events over 25 miles
in the current season compared to the best performance in the previous three seasons.
39. The Barnes Cup (Schoolboy Championship) (under 16) shall be awarded to the member
returning fastest average speed in one 10 mile Time Trial and one lap of a ‘Hilly Circuit’, as
judged by the committee.
40. The Schoolboys/girls juvenile/Youth 10 mile Time Trial Championship trophy be awarded
to the competitor gaining the highest average speed for the sixty miles, calculated from
performances in their six best club evening 10 mile Time Trial events.
41. The Club Events Championship shall be awarded to the member who scores the highest
number of points on a handicap basis - 25 points for win, 24 for 2nd, 23 for 3rd etc. Total
made up from 3 best 25 mile TimeTrial points totals, 5 best 10 mile Time Trials points totals
and 4 best Hilly events.
Any member attending with the intention to compete in any club event, which is cancelled
due to lack of competitors shall receive 25 points each. If less than 3 riders intend to
compete the event will be cancelled.
42. Awards shall be presented to the Lady and juvenile gaining the highest number of points in
the Clubs Points Championship.
43. The Circuit Series Championship Trophy shall be awarded to the rider with the highest total
of points gained from six events from all circuit/hilly events throughout the season, as
nominated by the committee. 25 points for win, 24 for 2nd, 23 for 3rd etc
44. The Pedal Trophy shall be awarded to the veteran member who scores the highest
number of points on V.T.T.A. standard basis in club events – 25 points for win, 24 for 2 nd ,
23 for 3 rd etc. Total made up from 3 best 25 mile Time Trial points totals, 5 best 10 mile
Time Trials points totals and 4 best Hilly events.
45. The Bartons Challenge Cup shall be awarded to the junior or youth on best average speed
over 5 club hilly events. (A junior shall be awarded this trophy even if a youth was quicker
than the fastest junior).
46. The Paul Hadfield Memorial Cup (Hill Climb Championship) award shall be awarded to the
winner of the Club Hill Climb.
47. Road Race Trophies (listed in (iii) below) shall be awarded for the best road race
performances, points to be awarded for first place shown below reducing by 1 point per
place : -
National Championship 30/win, 29/2nd, 28/3rd
Premier Calendar and 1st Cat
Division Championship 25
1st and 2nd Cat only 22
1st/2nd/3rd 20
2nd only 15
2nd/3rd 15
E.S.C.A. Championship 15
3rd or Vets only, 3rd /Vets 12
1/2/3/J/L Handicaps 10
3/J and J only 10
Youth girl / Youth boy 10
(i) Handicap race placings to count regardless of starting group.
(ii) Stage wins to count as per schedule for relevant category, plus 6 points downward
for overall placings 1st - 6th.
(iii) Ken Walton Senior Road Race Trophy
Ken Walton Schoolboy Road Race Trophy
Austin Junior Road Race Shield
48. A trophy will be awarded to the club rider achieving the best five performances in road
races during the season, allocation of the award to be decided by the committee.
49. The Cyclo Cross Championship trophy will be awarded for the best off road performances
on aggregate score in the Wessex League.
50. The Jack Thatcher Track Trophy shall be awarded for the winner of Track Championships.
51. The Alencon trophy shall be awarded to the best North Hampshire Road Club rider in the
Twin Town event, any year in which it cannot be awarded on this basis then the cup may
be awarded for the best performance against continental opposition.
52. The Lancaster Cup shall be awarded to the Clubman of the year
53. The Ladies Cup shall be awarded to the Clubwoman of the year.
54. The Road Bike Challenge Cup shall be awarded to the fastest rider on handicap over 3
events, 10 miles, 25 miles and a hilly circuit as nominated by the committee.
55. The Magnificat Cup shall be awarded to the club member making the most meritorious
cycling achievement in the previous year.
56. The Alex Anderson Cup shall be awarded to the Lady making the best improvement over
the past year
57. Tom Ellis Cup – for 24 hour TT (most miles covered).
To qualify for the Club Points Championship and the Veterans Pedal Trophy, riders should complete 12 events, which must include 5 x 10's, 3 x 25's and 4 hilly events. Riders must compete on at least two different hilly courses.
Events marked with an * count towards the Circuit Series Championship. Points awarded from riders' best six results.
All 'Open' events listed in the 'Notes' column need to be entered at least 2 weeks in advance by reference to the 'Cycling Time Trials' handbook, using the standard entry form.
Interclub event with Andover Wheelers counts towards Circuit, Points and Veteran competitions. NHRC Open events do not.
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